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Guest Book

Lili Dibai    18 June 2007 07:04 | Philadelphia, PA
Happy Father's Day to you both, Farhad and Arshid!

I am tracking your progress, and it's great to see you guys fulfilling your dreams! I bet it was nice to be so close to the "motherland", huh? Azerbaijan looks beautiful. Hope you are having fun, and good luck with the rest of your journey!

Niki and Minoo say hi too!!

Bye for now!

A    17 June 2007 16:02 | London
Dear Daddy and your lovely friend, HAPPY FATHERS DAY and enjoy the rest of your journey. I wish you were here with me like every other Fathers Day!!

Love from Arsham & Artonis :grin :roll :)

Emily Rostampour    16 June 2007 19:57 | greenville
hey daddy ive heard you are doing well! i hope ill be able to talk to you more as things become more organized at camp and i have some more free time. Arshid i hope you are having fun as well!(i didnt forget you!) Happy Fathers day to you both. im sorry i couldnt see you on fathers day but i love you and i will talk to you soon!

Nikta    15 June 2007 03:27 | Simpsonville
Dear Farhad and Arshid,

I hope your message of peace continue reaching out beyond expectation.

Have a safe return

Babak Naderi    14 June 2007 02:58 | California, USA
I wish you both the best. Thanks for promoting world peace, freedom, and harmony. With many best wishes.

ali    13 June 2007 20:57 | Los Angeles
I wish you both best of luck, I wish you were landing in LA so we could come and see you,..but we're not worthy ;D ... it would be nice if you could land in Iran too!! :) :)

nabil    13 June 2007 11:59 | casablanca morroco
hello friends i was very happy to meet you and very intresting about your trip for me it s noble to show all around the wold ''freedom'' i hope for you a good luck

Abbas Dashti    13 June 2007 10:14 | Shiraz - Iran
I wish you luck! I am very much interested in flying and when I was young I joined the Leeds & Bradford air port club and realy enjoied it. I whish I could accompany you in your jurny how ever this is not possible and I just keep dreaming about your flight and put my self in the rear sit of your plane. Have fun and best of luck. Your kebabs look good. They must be tasty?! Hope to see you one day.

ray brettle    12 June 2007 22:10 | Luton
Hi Guys
Glad you made Southend on Saturday. Sorry we couldnt get any avgas for you at Luton.All the best for the rest of the trip. Keep safe.
Ray (Harrods)

Bob Chandler, Enjoy Dance    12 June 2007 19:54 | Greer, SC

Just checking in on the progress of your journey. I am Linda's dance treahcer. Linda has been keeping me up dated about your preperations and progress.
Good Luck and good flying, I will continue to monitor your journey.

Good Luck, Bob

Dariush    12 June 2007 18:47 | LA

Safar Chand Mibayst Ta Pokhteh Shavad Khami

Soofi Nashavd Safi Ta Dar Nakeshad Jami


Bon Voyage and best wishes.

Dariush Tanara

Saman    12 June 2007 15:32 |
Dear Farhad & Arshid

It was a pleassure to speak with you over the phone. Very kind of you both to call me last week when you were in the UK.

It was very disapointing for me not to be able to meet you in Luton and to sign the Shahnameh, but I'm glad that at least I had the oportunity to meet Arshid's family and friends who had come to the airport that day.

Once again, I wish you both all the best and safe trip around the globe for this "just cause".

Our hearts and minds go we you, true champions of Iran.

Shabnam    12 June 2007 05:42 |
You've taken your dream and made it into reality... And your reality today can be the cause of awakening the dreams of many in the future...

Your courage is outstanding and your concept heart warming.

You will not be visiting my city on your route, so instead of signing your SHAHNAME, I will sign your guestbook.

Wishing you success and safety throughout your journey.

Yek Hamvatan,

Fereshteh    12 June 2007 05:08 | Wilmington, NC
Dear Farhad & Arshid
Although you did not take me with you! I feel that I am with you all the time through your brave and adventurous journey. I sort of became addicted to your web site and check it at least 4 times a day. And you know I am not the only one. As I am sure that you read these passionate messages in your web site you see many people from all over the world following your path, watching your every move, praising your determination, and want to be a part of this beautiful and spirited action.


Jakob    12 June 2007 04:58 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Greetings from Denmark, wishing you a wonderful journey. And remember -
White over white your as high as a kite
Red over red you're dead
Red over white you're alright
- safe landings! 8)

Trey Babb    12 June 2007 04:42 | Summerville SC
Hey guys! I am Eddie Babb's son from Donaldson Jet Center. I just want to let you know that you are looking great and best of luck to ya.

Shahram Haghighi    11 June 2007 23:38 | San Francisco, CA.
I am very proud of you guys. Have a safe trip and see you on July 13th in SFO.

John Hiltabidle    11 June 2007 16:30 | Greenville, SC (GYH)
Your flight is an inspiration to many.
Fly safely and I wish you strong tail winds.

Ebbie    10 June 2007 20:37 |
Farhad & Arshid,

Congradulation on x-ing Atlantic. Glad UK landing adventure is over. We all proud of you, well wishes on your up coming landings and takeoffs.

E,N,C & N

kaveh Karimi    10 June 2007 02:21 | London
It was great to meet you both well in London, I've enjoyed watching your take off. Have a safe jurney. See when you back.

Saeid Azish    09 June 2007 21:31 | London
Arshid & Farhad Jan,

What you're doing inspires everyone around the world that they can too if they believe in what they are doing.
I hope you a safe and wonderful jouney and hope to see you guys soon.

Linda Rostampour    09 June 2007 17:29 | Fountain Inn, SC
Dear Farhad and Arshid:

I was overjoyed to hear you had made it safely over the Atlantic. Arshid, I hope you gave lots of hugs and kisses to your family for me.

Farhad,what a beautiful idea and a great service to your country and the world.
Love, Linda xxxooo

Dariush    09 June 2007 17:10 | UK
My good wishes with you in your odyssey.

Sorry for the apparent lack of support & not being able cheer you all the way. This is merely and purely down to being extremely busy with work, family life and our house move which is due to happen in the next few weeks.

Good luck and may your god be with you.

John Ellenberg    09 June 2007 06:33 | Simpsonville, SC
Have been following your progress on the "freedom flight" web site. I know you are having a great adventure, and I wish you a safe flight. May it be an inspiration to freedom lovers the world over.

Take good care of N266DC -- I feel sure she will take good care of you. I'm envious of your adventure. Let me know if I can assist in any way.

The Otovic's    09 June 2007 04:05 | Fountain Inn, SC
Farhad and are two courageous men, and your journey is an inspiration to us all! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as we track your fantastic safe, and may you soar with eagles wings! Take care...Brian, Richelle, Matthew, and James

Ian    08 June 2007 01:22 |
Congratulations on the start of a dream come true.Pictures are great, keep them coming.All the best 8)

Rachel Sides    07 June 2007 20:46 |
Congratulations you guys! Im so jealous! Stay safe and take lots of pictures!! 8)

Desiree A. Dupuis    07 June 2007 20:41 | Powdersville, SC
I wish you two the best of luck! Please be safe and enjoy the trip! :grin

Artonis & Arsham    06 June 2007 21:00 | LONDON
WE LOVE U L 8) ;) :cry :? :) :p :roll :( TS!!!!!

Leila    06 June 2007 20:54 | London
My dearest Arshid,
I'm really proud of U & I know that U will get lots of experience in UR way, so please be strong like always & enjoy your lovely trip with Farhad, so g ;) ;) d luck guys.

Kim from Carolina Springs Golf Club    05 June 2007 22:07 | Fountain Inn, S.C.
Just a neighbor who read about you guys and want to wish you a safe and happy time. Your daughters are so sweet. I met them at gymnastics with my daughter years ago.

Flemming PEDERSEN    05 June 2007 20:44 | Geneva, Switzerland
Good luck with the next two North Atlantic legs - then it gets easier!
Hope you will find time for a little detour to Geneva on the way from London to Casblanca.
Let me know if I can do anything to help you.
Mooney Earthrounder 2001/2002

Cyrus    05 June 2007 20:37 | Montrose, CA, US
I learned about your couragous endevour through my life long friend(Ebbie Attar). Your outstanding adventure brought to mind the thought: A man's dreams are an index of his greatness, The magority of people wait for the circumstances to come along and enable them to do something out of the ordinary, the extraordinary people, however, create the circumstances in order to bring about awsome accomplishments which set them apart from common man. Congratulations and may you have a safe flight and a happy return home. Cyrus ;)

Maryam Namazie    05 June 2007 16:05 | London, UK

I wish you the best of luck, a safe journey and loads of fun!

Bahareh Zyaei    05 June 2007 02:26 | Chicago, IL
I am so proud of you guys. I wish you best of luck and hope this journey helps improving Iran's image in the world.

Bill Compton    04 June 2007 21:45 | Anchorage AK
Please let me know if I can do anything to help. Hope to see you in Cold Bay or Anchorage.

Bryan Dover    04 June 2007 19:13 | Conway, SC
Monday June 4, 2007
If you would like to track the progress of N266DC
< br>Half way to to Narsarsuaq (BGBW) 11,000ft 170kts

Shahriar    04 June 2007 09:31 | California
Dear Farhad & Arshid,
I am 17 and i came to US 10 months a go.(I was born in Shiraz :grin ) . I jut wanted to say that you guys are doing a grest job and i have no doubt you will pursue your goal. I have emailed all my friends both in Iran(mainly in shiraz) and here and let them know about you.
All my friends were so happy hearing that news, some of them couldn't even believe it and i just wanted to thank you both for planning such a great idea.
You are the first Iranians to ever attempt to circle the globe with your aircraft. This is why we ar all proud of you guys and will never forget you.
We all praise your solidity,constancy and wish you a safe trip. :roll

Fereshteh Rostampour    03 June 2007 23:06 | USA
My dearest Farhad & Arshid you are probably on your way to Newfoundland now. Yesterday I was too busy crying! and did not get a chance to tell you that how proud I am for having a brother like you and a wonderful hammeehan like Arshad. I know the strength, spirit, and the wisdom of simorgh is with you and you will complete your mission with an outstanding success. You’ll be in my mind and heart everyday.

By the way the website looks great and I loved the Simorgh page. I don’t know if I told you this, but there is going to be a "Bird Wall" exhibition in Prague, I am going to create a Simorgh and display it in the exhibit when I go there. I will sign it as

Masoud    03 June 2007 20:48 | Switzerland
Great idea, good luck and take care.

Ebbie Attar    03 June 2007 20:15 | SC

The Greenville news published another article on Sunday June 3rd,2007 new paper, see below:

Pilots take to the skies for freedom

By Natyanniel Cary
Staff writer

Farhad Rostampour and Arshid Moti-Ghavanin were dressed in green jumpsuits with an Iranian flag on the sleeve and a "Freedom Flight" logo on the chest.

One is an American from Fountain Inn and the other is from England. Both were born in Iran.

They want to become the first Iranians to fly around the world in a single engine aircraft and the first to fly around the world while departing and returning to South Carolina.

Their goal goes much deeper than that, though. Both pilots said they want to reach out to the young generation in their native Iran to show them that nothing is impossible.

Many young people from Iran have said they will follow the pilots' flight path via the Internet, Rostampour said.

The plane took off at 10:22 a.m. as a small crowd of family and friends waved and released red, white and blue balloons.

"Good luck on your flight and have a safe, good flight," came over the radio as the engines roared down the runway at the Donaldson Center airport.

The pilots were set to land in Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell and then would fly over New York City and the Statue of Liberty.


See you later guys,


Bryan Dover    03 June 2007 17:13 | Conway, SC
Very few people get to live their dream. Congratulations and have fun. Please be careful on the north Atlantic crossing. Keep the pictures and updates coming. We will be right there with you all the way.

Sam Cowell    03 June 2007 15:27 | Donaldsonn Center
Guy's sorry I didnt get to sign your book at departure, but good luck to you and looking forward to following your journy...

Lili Dibai    03 June 2007 07:00 | Yardley, Pennsylvania
Hi Farhad and Arshid! It was great to meet with you both at the start of your wonderful flight! I really hope you both get everything you wish for out of this trip! I wish you both the best of luck. By the way, this is a really lovely, elaborate website you have! Great job! Take care and have fun!!! 8)

Melike    03 June 2007 02:35 | philadelphia/PA
;) Hi. Have a nice trip. Enjoy your journey. Melike' (Minoo's friend)


Minoo and Nick Dibai    03 June 2007 01:24 | Pennsylvania
Dear Farhad and Arshid, good luck and best wishes all around the world. Please don't miss us too much! :grin

Greta & Vincent Huygen    03 June 2007 00:22 | Fountain Inn, SC
Hi Neighbour and the Buddy,
Just "cornered" Suzie in my yard , and heard the fantastic news from Linda when she collected her. God's speed and Blessings for the journey and the message! Bon Voyage,
Greta & Vincent :)

Isaac Aho    02 June 2007 18:37 | greenville SC
good luck

tom drumm    02 June 2007 17:35 |
What an exciting day to watch you launch. we'll be wishing good luck watching your progress and we'll be here to see you land. Have fun!!! 8)

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