More than half way across North Atlantic
Wednesday, 06 June 2007

We checked the aircraft this morning to find the source of the oil. The small amount of oil we had on the belly of the plane yesterday was from the starter and a loss bolt. It was an easy fix and we departed Nasarsauq about 5 pm for the second leg of our cross Atlantic flight.


We landed at Reykjavik, Iceland at 11:30 pm. It was a smooth ride, but we had to clime to 13000 feed to avoid building ice. We had to do an instrument approach landing at Reykjavik due to low ceiling. We brook out of the clouds at 700 feed and landed without the any problem.


It is 12:00 o’clock at night and it is still light outside. In Iceland , even after sun goes down at 10 pm, it remains light all night.  It appears that the sun never leave Iceland                       
